How to fix Microsoft Teams “Sign in with a different Microsoft account” loop

If you’re trying to sign into Microsoft Teams on a Mac and you’re seeing a window that says that you’re already signed into a different account then you’re probably getting frustrated when you click on “Sign in with a different Microsoft account” and the link does nothing but loop the same window.

The fix is easy.

This problem happens because Teams is pulling account information from iCloud Keychain and it so happens to be the wrong account information. I’m not sure why the loop happens and this might be a bug.

Here’s how to fix the issue:

  1. Close Microsoft Teams.
  2. Open OneNote or another Microsoft app like Word or Excel.
  3. Sign out of all of your accounts in the app.
  4. Close the Microsoft App.
  5. Open iCloud Keychain and delete all keychain entries that are found when searching for “office”, “teams”, and “microsoft”. Warning: You do this step at your own risk. Make sure that you’re not deleting any keychain entries that are needed.
  6. Delete the following folder: ~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Teams
  7. Open OneNote or another Microsoft app like Word or Excel (not Teams).
  8. Sign into the account that you’d like to use with Teams.
  9. Then open the Microsoft Teams app and you’ll see a prompt that will allow you to sign into Teams with the right account.

And that’s it! 🙂

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