How To Use Chromebook Tracking

Chromebook Tracking is an extremely useful tool. Here is how you can use it to track your chromebook in case of theft or misplacement.

Every single Chromebook (as well as an phone or tablet powered by Google’s Android operating system) has the ability to be tracked.

This powerful ability allows you to find your chromebook if someone steals it or if you just forgot where you put it. But it is important to remember a few things about Chromebook Tracking:

  1. The Chromebook needs to be turned on in order for Chromebook Tracking to work. If someone turns it off then it can’t be tracked anymore.
  2. The tracking mechanism will be limited to just the general area it is in. Usually just the city it is in. And the Chromebook will need to be connected to WiFi.
  3. If someone turns off WiFi you will not be able to track your Chromebook.
  4. If someone wipes your Chromebook then you will not be able to track it.

Number 4 might be particularly aggravating if your chromebook has been stolen. You might be wondering why Google didn’t include a way to track Chromebook even when wiped.

Well what if you had purchased a used chromebook? Would you want the previous owner of the chromebook to be able to track where the machine is? Probably not.

Now here’s the bad news:

Unlike smartphones Google Chromebooks don’t have a GPS chip. Most of them also don’t have a 4G LTE data connection. Because of this the amount of data that you’re going to get from Chromebook tracking is smaller than what you would get tracking a smartphone.

But here is what you can use Chromebook tracking for:

  • Find out what city the chromebook is in.
  • Find out what cities it has been in recently.
  • Find out when it has been in those cities by date and time.

The link for this chromebook tracking information is here:

You will need to login to the same Google account you use to login to your chromebook.


How To Change Chromebook Login Password

Here is how to quickly change your Chromebook Login Password.

Since both your Google Account and your Chromebook use the same password you can quickly change it by going to your Google Account settings page here:

Scroll down the page to the category called Password & sign-in method. Click on Password.

You will be prompted to enter your current password to confirm that it’s you.

Then you will get to the Password Change screen. Enter your new password, then re-enter it again in the bottom box. Then click Change Password.

Log out of your Chromebook and then log back in using your new password.

And you’re done!


Google Adwords: “Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network”

I was trying to use the Google Adwords Keyword planner when I suddenly ran into a weird error message that said: “Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network.”

It then said: “To continue, please type the characters below:” and there was a CAPTCHA and a box to enter the characters into to prove that I’m a human.

It looks like this:

google adwords keyword planner our systems have detected unusual traffic

I tried entering the text but every time I did so I was just given another one to enter. It just keeps going on forever.

Fortunately here is the solution:


  1. Open a new tab and go to
  2. Type in: “my ip address”
  3. A number should appear called “Your Public IP Address”
  4. Write this number down on a piece of paper.


Get a new IP Address. The process for doing this will be different depending on what company you get your internet connection from. But usually if you’re on something like cable you can try to unplug your modem for about an hour (or overnight if an hour doesn’t work) and then plug it back in.

You can then do the same thing you did in step one to check to see if you now have a different IP Address when compared to the old one you wrote down on your piece of paper.

If that doesn’t work then you can usually google search “How to change my ip address” and then the name of the company that provides you your internet.

If you’re on Rogers in Canada then I have an article here that explains who to change your IP Address there: 


Go back to the Google page you were trying to get to an you should now be allowed in.

If the problem reappears then I would suggest that you try disabling any strange toolbars or software on your computer in case it’s sending weird requests to google that is making it suspicious. 


How Turn Off Facebook Live Notifications FOR GOOD


turn off facebook live notification notifications

Here’s how to turn off those annoying facebook notifications that say “[Person] is live now”. God they’re annoying.

It seems like it’s a new feature that facebook is pushing to remain relevant with people. Well maybe sending a bunch of notifications isn’t the right way to do it.

So go on your computer and log into facebook. Or if you don’t have a computer handy log into facebook using the browser on your phone, the app itself can’t turn off notifications.

Follow the steps:

  1. Open your notifications.
  2. Go to the specific live notification and hover your mouse over it.
  3. A little X will pop up. Click on it.
  4. Facebook will ask “Turn off Notifications from…..?”
  5. Click on Turn Off

How To Fix Chromebook Netflix Error C7053-1803

If you’re receiving error C7053-1803 while using Netflix on your Chromebook then here is the solution.

Fix #1: Clear the cache

To clear the cache do this:

  1. Click on the chrome setting button in the browser in the top right corner (it looks like three horizontal lines).
  2. Click Tools and then Clear browsing Data.
  3. Specify that you want to clear information From the beginning of time.
  4. Make sure only Empty the Cache is selected.
  5. Click Clear Browsing Data.

Fix #2: Reset and power wash your chromebook

This step will completely wipe your chromebook so you need to backup all of your data first. Again: this will erase EVERYTHING and bring your chromebook back to the state it was when you bought it.

  1. Click on your account picture in the lower-right corner of your screen.
  2. Click on Settings. A window will appear.
  3. Click on Show Advanced Settings at the bottom.
  4. Find the “Powerwash” label and click Reset.
  5. In the window that opens click Restart.

How to fix no sound on Toshiba laptops

Here are a serious of easy steps to take if your Toshiba laptop isn’t making any sound. Recently quite a few Toshiba owners has said they were not hearing sound.

These fixes are listed from simplest to complex.

Fix #1: Make sure your sound isn’t muted

In the lower right of your screen next to where the clock is there should be a little icon of a speaker. You might need to expand that section of icons if you have a lot.

Double-click on the sound icon and check the settings to make sure that the volume is set to the highest level and that your speakers are not muted.

And just to get the simple solutions out of the way make sure you restart your laptop as well. Sometimes a simple restart fixes a lot of issues.

Fix #2: Check to see if headphones or other speakers work

Unplug your speakers and plug in some headphones or another set of speakers. If you get sound then the problem probably lies with your original speakers and not the Toshiba laptop

Fix #3: Update your sound driver

It’s also possible that your sound driver is missing or has been damaged in some way. In order to fix both potential issues you should download the latest sound driver for your laptop.

You can find the driver for your laptop here. Simply enter your laptop’s model number (which can be found on the bottom of your laptop) and download and install the latest sound driver.

Then restart your laptop.

Fix #4: Perform A System Restore 

The Windows System Restore utility can roll back your toshiba laptop to an earlier point of time to when your sound worked. If your sound problems are caused by software this has a good chance of solving them.

Instructions for performing a system restore:

Note: Make sure that you choose the instructions for a system restore and not a system reload. One will simply restore your computer’s files to an earlier point of time while keeping personal files. The other will wipe your system.


Cannot reinstall Chrome

If you’re having problems uninstalling or reinstalling Chrome then here is the fix.

Fix #1

Use the Chrome Cleanup Tool. This simply but powerful tool will allow you to not only remove leftover pieces of Chrome but will also remove any other problems that could be causing issues with Chrome.

You can download the tool from Google here:

Fix #2

Use Revo Uninstaller. This is software can search your computer and remove a program more thoroughly than the official Chrome uninstaller.

You can find Revo Uninstaller here:

NOTE: Don’t bother with the professional version. Just use the free regular version. It does the same thing.

Fix #3

To re-install Chrome when the official installer simply doesn’t work you can try the offline installer. This installer works a little differently than the official one and can get around certain problems:

You can download it from Google here:



Here is how to fix the Chrome error ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR. Simply follow the steps below!

Fix #1

  1. Go here (you’ll need to copy paste it into your address bar or type it in): chrome://net-internals/#sockets
  2. And click on “Flush Socket Pools”

In the vast majority of cases the error should now be gone.

Fix #2

Clear Chrome’s cookies and data and restart the browser.

  1. In the address bar write: chrome://settings
  2. Press Enter
  3. Scroll down and click on “Show Advanced Settings”
  4. Under the Privacy section click on Clear Browsing Data
  5. Select the following: “Cookies and other site and plugin data” and “Cached images and files”. Deselect everything else.
  6. Make sure that “Obliterate the following items from:” is set to “the beginning of time”
  7. Click on “Clear Browsing Data”

Fix #3

If you’re an Avast Antivirus user then you can add the website giving you this error to your Avast exclusion list. Something about Avast seems to be triggering this error so to fix the issue we just tell Avast to ignore the pages that it doesn’t like and the error disappears.

  1. Open Avast
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Click on Active Protection
  4. Click on Customize for Web Shield
  5. Add each website separately to the URLs to exclude section.


How To Fix Avast: Unable To Start Scan. There are no endpoints available from the endpoint mapper

Here is the easy solution for the following Avast error: Unable to start scan. There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper

Fix #1

Download the newest update file for your version of Avast here:

Once it is installed restart your computer. When it starts back up open Avast and click on the “Fix Now” button. Avast should now be able to fix the problem and get back to work.

If that doesn’t work then try Fix #2.

Fix #2

Navigate to Add/Remove Program or Programs and Features (Control Panel) depending on your version of Windows.

Find Avast in the list.

Right-Click on Avast and click repair. Allow the process to complete and follow any on-screen prompts. Once this is complete restart your computer.

You might need to click the “Fix Now” button when Avast starts back up. If it doesn’t work then try Fix #3.

Fix #3

If that doesn’t work then it is likely the a component of Avast has been damaged beyond repair. You will need to uninstall Avast and reinstall it.

However I do not recommend uninstalling it the normal way. Use the official Avast removal tool to completely remove all Avast files and services from your computer. You can download it here from the Avast website:

Run the utility and follow the prompts. Once it is finished restart your computer and reinstall Avast.




How To Properly Clean A Samsung LED TV

Learn how to properly clean your LED TV to make it look great and avoid causing damage.

Unlike the old tube TVs of the past LED TVs need to be properly cleaned. If you clean them incorrectly you run the risk of causing damage to the sensitive screen. This article will describe the correct cleaning process. Using these tips you’ll safely clean your screen of debris, dust, and smudges.


What you’ll need:

  • A soft microfiber cloth. You can pick these up at any electronics store. Even Wal-Mart has them. And once you have one you’ll be able to use it for years. I recommend you get on that is specifically labeled for television screen use.
  • Screen cleaning fluid. Many different companies make screen cleaning fluid. The one I use is Monster ScreenClean. I purchased a bottle six years ago and still have not used all of it. It lasts for a long time. But there are cheaper cleaners that should work just as well. Just make sure that the cleaning fluid you use is specifically labeled for tv screen use. And I would avoid dollar store cleaning fluid.


  • Don’t use paper towels or rough cloths. Use only cloths made specifically for cleaning monitors and tv screens. Rougher cloths run the risk of scratching your screen.
  • Don’t use water.
  • NEVER use cleaning fluids or waxes that are not meant to tv screens. They contain chemicals that can damage the fragile surface of the screen. This includes chemicals like Windex. Just don’t use them.


  1. Turn off your tv screen.
  2. Unplug the screen from power.
  3. Spray a little screen-cleaner onto your cloth and very gently rub the areas of the screen that you wish to clean. Avoid spraying the screen.
  4. The frame of the screen has a specially coated material that is easy to clean. You can simply gently wipe it with a dry microfiber cloth.
  5. Wait about a minute or two for the screen to dry.
  6. Plug in the tv screen.

And enjoy your new clean tv!