How Turn Off Facebook Live Notifications FOR GOOD


turn off facebook live notification notifications

Here’s how to turn off those annoying facebook notifications that say “[Person] is live now”. God they’re annoying.

It seems like it’s a new feature that facebook is pushing to remain relevant with people. Well maybe sending a bunch of notifications isn’t the right way to do it.

So go on your computer and log into facebook. Or if you don’t have a computer handy log into facebook using the browser on your phone, the app itself can’t turn off notifications.

Follow the steps:

  1. Open your notifications.
  2. Go to the specific live notification and hover your mouse over it.
  3. A little X will pop up. Click on it.
  4. Facebook will ask “Turn off Notifications from…..?”
  5. Click on Turn Off

4 thoughts on “How Turn Off Facebook Live Notifications FOR GOOD

  1. Josh: If you turn off notifications on your computer (doing what is in the article) then it will also stop notifications on mobile.

    If you don’t have a computer you can log into facebook using the browser (Safari/Chrome/Whatever you have) on your phone/tablet and follow the same steps described above.

  2. This doesn’t work. I hover over the notification and the only think that shows up is little dot on the right, which when you hover over that, it just says” read”, which means clicking that marks that notification as read. Also there is not an option on a mobile device. So what gives?

  3. Doesn’t work. I got some “George Takei is live” message on mobile (android app) and the notification DOESN’T EVEN EXIST on the website, so I can’t even attempt this. WTF facebook

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