Can You Get A Virus On A Chromebook?

The quick and simple answer? No.

Chromebooks are a new form of personal computer that work so differently from regular computers that viruses simply can’t penetrate them. Due to their browser-centric design no virus can even launch on a Chromebook. So you don’t have to worry.

Do you need an antivirus? Nope. Technology has moved on. Antiviruses are a relic of the past on the chromebook.

However that doesn’t mean that you can become relaxed about your online security. Your chromebook will protect you from viruses but that doesn’t mean that it will protect you from every scam and phishing attack. Always be careful about what websites you provide your data to. This means that you shouldn’t give just any website out there your credit card number and information.

You should also be careful about what extension you install and always research what these extensions do before installing them. Reading the reviews on the Chrome Store is an excellent way to do this. Once you install an extension you give it access to your computer and your data.

But the bottom line is that if you’re looking for security and safety online it doesn’t get much better than the chromebook.

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