Fix: Recycle Bin not Displaying Deleted Files

Problem: The Recycle Bin no longer displays any of the files that you send to it, or keeps showing files after you’ve emptied the bin.

Fix: The Recycle Bin is corrupted. Flush it.

In this case the Recycle Bin has become corrupted (for whatever reason) and we need to delete the folder that holds the Recycle Bin data. This will reset the Recycle Bin.

Unfortunately there are two different methods; one for Windows XP and one for Windows Vista. They are similar with the exception that the files you must delete in each Operating System is different. I’ll outline both methods.


This is how you fix the issue in Windows XP:

  1. Open up a command prompt.
  2. Change to the root directory of your Windows install (in most cases it will be C:\). Do this by typing: “CD C:\”
  3. Type in “rd recycler /s /q” to delete the folder.
  4. Reboot the computer. Windows will create a fresh healthy copy of the “Recycler” folder.


This is how you fix the issue in Windows Vista:

  1. Open up an elevated command prompt. (Right click on the command prompt icon and select “Run As Administrator”.
  2. Change to the root directory of your Windows install (in most cases it will be C:\). Do this by typing: “CD C:\”
  3. Type in “rd $Recycle.bin /s /q”.
  4. Reboot the computer. Windows will create a fresh healthy copy of the “$Recycle.bin” files
How to explain this problem to the client: The file that stores the Recycle Bin settings and files has been corrupted by another program. What I did was delete the Recycle Bin file and replaced it with a fresh healthy file.
Tell me how it goes on the forums!

4 thoughts on “Fix: Recycle Bin not Displaying Deleted Files

  1. Thanks! I can confirm that the “Vista method” works fine in Windows 7 as well. I repeated it on both of my partitions, as the desktop recycle bin shows the sum of all $recycle.bin folders present. I didn’t even have to reboot – the bin just started working.

  2. Hi, when i perform the repair.. do all the items in the bin get lost or are they restored in the new bin folder? i am trying to save around 2000 photos that got caught in the corrupt bin and i dont want to loose. thn x vic

  3. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
    Worked like a charm on my old xp.
    I was ever so glad to finally get rid of the 187 huge corrupted files that
    absolutely refused to delete when emptying recycle bin.
    Once again, Thank you.

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